Sunday, August 2, 2009

Anyone out there have any diet tips?

I don't know about you guys but me, I am always on a diet. Well, not really because I pretty much eat everything and then spend hours in the gym. I seriously spend anywhere from 90 to 120 mins in the gym daily. I usually work out 7 days a week (at least 6). I love food too much! I seriously need to eat healthier and stop all the sugar intake. I use to weigh a lot and lost weight when I was about 17. I, so far at least, keep the weight off for 4 years. I will get into why I lost the weight later on. I worry everyday about the foods I eat and my body. People tell me I am not fat, but I feel FAT! I have body insecurities, which I partly blame on my family because there is always pressure to be thin. It's weird because when I was fat I felt more secure about myself but now that I am thinner, I feel so insecure. I try to eat healthy but then when I see food, I can't control myself. Shoot away with your advice about body image, diet, working out and how you keep the weight off. Anyone else out going through what I am going through?

1 comment:

  1. do not let your self too full,each time you eat.
    I don't eat much butter and white bread or white rice. Brown rice is great,eat more veggie and fish. that is my diet.

