You have the Gaga fever? I know I do. I absolutely love Lady Gaga. Her fashion sense is so crazy and out there( remember the Kermit outfit). She is like Madonna but one step crazier. She's going to be Polaroids creative director and was on Barbara Walter's most fascinating people( you know you made it then). I wonder if she is actually who she portrays 24 hours of the day or is this her on stage persona. Her fashion sense is one of a kind, her music is catchy ( is it just me or does it take a few listens to actually like her song? I hated Just Dance when it came out.) and her aura is unmistakable and unforgettable. And don't you just love the Barbie doll of her?! It isn't a Mattel creation but it was created by some fan in Japan. I wish this was around when I was in love with Barbie dolls.
O and those, Alexander McQueen shoes in her Bad Romance video! Watch the video because it's artistic and visually stimulating. I could never wear them because I would trip over but I would love to own them. My brother calls them the rat shoes and completely disdains them. He's a sport loving, wannabe macho man. He grew up with 8 girls (me and my cousins) and 2 boys, so he always was around girls. He even asked me once as a kid, "When will I get my period?" I said you already have it, look at all the blood coming out of your nose. Hahaha. And yes, my 3 younger cousins and I use to beat him up because he was the only boy. Not to mention, I waxed his legs once when we were kids. Awww, the good old days. Now he's bigger than me and can beat me up but I still do because he doesn't "hit" girls! Sorry for going off topic, but every time I see the shoes, I think of him (he's going to college next year). I think that's why fashion is so incredible and relatable because it reminds people of their own lives and congers up dear memories of the past.
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